Renewed CS:GO team for KRC Genk Esports, GGPoker becomes main sponsor!

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KRC Genk’s esports division is, next to FIFA and League of Legends, also active in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). Soon the CS:GO team will start for the second consecutive season in the Elite Series: Counter-Strike (ESCS), one of the most important Benelux competitions. Here, KRC Genk Esports managed to achieve a great third place. The goal this season: to do better than that third place. To achieve that, KRC Genk Esports has unveiled a new CS:GO team with three new players and one new shirt sponsor: GGPoker.

After weeks of thorough scouting, the result is a squad composed of a mix of experienced and talented Benelux players. Kik “Fishie” Voortman and Rune “Tewyy” Steusel, two Dutchmen, signed for an extended stay and are surrounded by three up-and-coming talents. Giovanni “Wumbo” Türkeli, also a Dutchman, will make life difficult for opponents with the AWP (sniper). Two very young Belgian players will also join the team: Kyan “AyeZs” Blockx, known for his great communication skills and smart decision making, and Roman “n0te” Hamze, known for his sharp aim and merciless entry fragging.


  • Kik “Fishie” Voortman
  • Rune “Tewy” Steusel
  • Giovanni “Wumbo” Türkeli
  • Kyan “AyeZs” Blockx
  • Roman “n0te” Hamze


  • Hendrik “BugZ” Noben (Manager)

“We are entering into a long-term commitment with the players. By doing so, we are expressing confidence, stability and ambition. With this renewed team we will put KRC Genk Esports on the national and international radar within the CS:GO scene,” said Hendrik Noben, Esport Manager CS:GO at KRC Genk Esports.”

Featuring GGPoker on the chest

The CS:GO team of KRC Genk Esports will play with GGPoker on the shirt and together they will create several promotions for the community this coming year. GGPoker is one of the largest providers of online poker worldwide and is the flagship of the GGNetwork (“Good Game Network”). Founded in 2014, the company has the largest poker room in the world with the large number of active players.

“We are very happy to welcome GGPoker as the main esports partner of our CS:GO team. Together with GGPoker, we want to add extra strength to our sportive ambitions and want to compete for the top spots on multiple fronts this year.”, said Bram Bartels, Coordinator KRC Genk Esports

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