KRC Genk Esports starts strategic partnership with Dutch Football club AZ

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Football clubs KRC Genk and AZ Alkmaar will cooperate intensively in the field of Esports. Part of the partnership is the participation of KRC Genk ePlayer Gilles Bernard in the Dutch eDivisie, one of the strongest competitions in the world. The 24-year-old Belgian will form AZ’s eDivisie team this year together with Dani Visser.

Purpose of the collaboration is to strengthen and support each other in the field of commercial activities, events and sporting results. In addition to the participation of ePlayer Bernard in the Dutch eDivisie, content will also be created together and knowledge will be shared.

International ambitions
Esports Coordinator Bram Bartels: “With KRC Genk Esports we want to reach Esports fans not only in Belgium but also internationally. By strengthening the AZ team, we as a Belgian football club can appeal to a new audience. A clear win-win situation. ”

World ranking
Gilles Bernard, ePlayer KRC Genk Esports, is looking forward to playing in the Dutch eDivisie: “The Dutch eDivisie is one of the best leagues worldwide. I also want to prove myself on this podium and qualify myself for the Regional Playoffs. ”

Win Win Team of the Season Paul Onuachu I want it

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